Thursday, January 21, 2010

Never Forget A Name

Hey everyone! At last, it's my restday and I am now ready to blog my night away. haha. Anyways, I will share to you what I have read in a magazine. You know, I have this thing for fashion and educational magazines. I want to read those magazines that would give me tips and advises on how to organize my life and how to improve my overall personality... and I think of sharing this with you.

It's about how to be more of a people person and to how to gain more friends. This should be the things that we should remember when were being introduced to another person.

Shake hands.
Address the person you’re being introduced to by shaking their hand and saying their name out loud. Initiating contracts this way makes it easier to commit then name to memory.

Pay attention when the person tells you his or her name. If you didn’t hear it well, ask him or her to repeat it. Looking at them speak creates a visual memory to attach to the name.

Repeat the name for retention.
Make a conscious effort to call the person by his or her name when talking to them. “Peter, what’s your opinion on this?” or “So, how was your vacation, Shella?”

I would need to memorize these three simple things by heart.


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Oh how I Love Comments! I tend to giggle like a school girl whenever a see a new comment posted - it's amazing how this simple kind gesture of yours will totally make my day! Thank you, thank you! I'll get back to you asap.