It was indeed a sad day for me. Though I was permitted to go home early to day because of VGH (Voluntary Go Home) - I went home with a heavy heart knowing there's a possibility that I'll gonna lose a close friend at work soon. It's just so happen that a client barged her call yesterday and she was caught resetting a member's email password without proper verification procedure. I admit, I also often do that on my call especially if the caller was able to at least able to provide me some basic information other account information such as complete billing address and mode of dsl payment and though the security question was not answered correctly. I want to resolve the member's issue and if resetting a password is what it takes to have it resolved, I normally do the same. That's exactly the reason why when she said our coach told her that she committed a zt (zero tolerance) offense because of that, we were all shocked as we all are guilty of such offense, one way or the other. She said she was informed that there is a possibility of termination due to bridge of security and right there and then, we all felt threatened. Threatened the we might also end up like here and might also be caught off guard, but to be honest with you...that was not the strongest emotion I felt that time, it is fear. More than fear of losing my job, the fear of losing someone who is very dear to me. Though she has a different and distinct character which most of my teammates can't really get used to - I manage to befriend her and became one of my closest friends. She says what she feels and that's what I really like about her as she possess a character I want to have. I admit, I am most of the time a people pleaser and I normally do all that it takes to avoid an argument and I hate it! While my friend makes it a point that she was able to at least send the message of what she feels if she can't directly say it.
I really pray that she would be spared and would just be given a sanction of not more than 10 days suspension as she has been a constant performer. I hope they could take that consideration. I would love to spend the rest of my two year stay with the company with my girlfriends and I pray that the remaining days I have with them would be filled with only good memories....
ay, how sad! i always have wanted to try this call center job thing, wala lang talagang chance. hope your friend will be spared with such sanction. I feel sorry for her.
that's why you need to always treat your every call like it's always being monitored, and speak on the phone like there's someone listening. just one of the things that i really hate about working in a call center office, i get paranoid most of the time!
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